Regd. by Govt. of India Under Sec, 08 Company Act 2013

Certificate course in HIV & Family Education

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UNESCO has recognised that education is the biggest antidote against HIV/AIDS. This course is designed to provide basic and accurate information about HIV/ AIDS, sex and sexuality, family life education, alcohol and drugs and communication and counselling. One of the aims of this course is to make learners understand the issues involved in HIV/ AIDS and behaviour modification and simultaneously improve the knowledge and skills to work in functionaries involved in HIV/AIDS and other related issues.

Program Objective

The main objective of this course is to increase awareness of HIV/AIDS among all communities of people, to ensure a sanitized and healthy future. After attending this course, your mind will get access to understand and treat issues related to HIV/AIDS. There are job opportunities in the public and private sectors but this course is suited for everyone. This is one of the best and most modern approaches to the study of HIV/AIDS.



  • Chennai


  • 1 year


  • 10th Pass



Career Opportunities

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Core Curriculum

Programme Structure

1. Elective on HIV / AIDS
2. Basics of Family Education
3. Elective on Family Education
4. Alcohol, Drugs and HIV
5. Communication and Counselling in HIV

Approvals &

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