Regd. by Govt. of India Under Sec, 08 Company Act 2013

Certificate course in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics

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The process of maintaining or regaining good health through a proper diet is the prime objective of Nutritional Dietetic. The preliminary dietetic is the one who provides a proper solution for treating malnutrition and other food-related diseases. A Dietetic should possess the knowledge of food and its use in the human body accordingly. This course will tell you the effects of food on the human body and how regulating a person’s diet can help him/her to avoid several diseases. Once the understanding of nutrition and other components are clear, candidates will be trained with the professionals to handle clients in near future.

Program Objective

The main objective of this course is to provide a stable learning curve of nutrients available in our food and how they affect our body against diseases. A Dietetic is also the one who decides what food patients should have and at what time as well. If a patient is going through a disease where chewing is not an option, and he can only swallow food, in that scenario a Dietetic will provide a chart of food for the patient to balance the nutritional needs of the body. After completing this course, candidates can apply as Clinical Dietitian, Management Dietitian, Consultant Dietitian, Nutrition Research Scientist, Community Dietitian, Product Manager, Nutrition Sales Executive, Trainee Nutrition Sales Executive etc.



  • Chennai


  • 1 year


  • 10th Pass



Career Opportunities

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Core Curriculum

Programme Structure

Food science
Diet Therapy I
Nutrition through developmental stages
Food Science
Nutraceuticals and functional foods
Advanced Nutrition I
Diet therapy II
Nutritional Biochemistry
Clinical Nutrition
Computer Application
Community nutrition
Diet therapy
Food cost and quality control
Extra: disciplinary paper (E.D)
Human Rights
Advanced Nutrition: II
Research Methodology and statistics
Nutritional management safety for food science
Financial and food management
Clinical Nutrition

Approvals &

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