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Diploma in Ayurvedic Medicines & Science

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The process of understanding Ayurveda with the knowledge of modern medicines is the primary aim of this course. In these 1 or 2 years, candidates will learn from experienced individuals who are not only improving the science community but also building trust among people in the west. Even WHO has recognised the presence of Ayurveda in modern science and thus conducted a forum to promote it around the world. This makes BAMS a very popular degree in bioscience after MBBS so one can assume there is no shortage of work opportunities once the course is complete. The structure of this course is designed in such a way to achieve the overall knowledge of ancient ways of Ayurveda and the modern approach of biomedicines. In recent years Ayurvedic developments in science have allowed physicians to do surgery after getting proper training. The Government of India has introduced a new way to promote Ayurvedic Surgery. The training module of Surgery will be added in the curriculum of Ayurvedic study.

Program Objective

The vastness of this course is the result of different types of Ayurvedic subjects that the candidates should learn such as Rachana Sharira, Kriya Sharira, Dravyuaguna, Svasthavritta and Yoga, Roga Nidana and Vikriti Vijnana, Kaya Chikitsa, Kaumara Bhritya, Prasuti Tantra, Shalya Tantra, Shalakya Tantra etc. Along with this candidates should also have a good understanding of the modern medical system to get the essence of this course. Students will learn about Ayurvedic surgery with the help of professionals. Once the course is complete, candidates are requested to train under a senior BAMS for a couple of years before opening his/her clinic. Candidates can be a physician, teachers, managers, clinical research associates, medical supervisors, drug manufacturers etc.



  • Chennai


  • Optional: 1 year or 2 years


  • +12 (Science with PCB)


  • 1 year - 30k
  • 2 years - 55k

Career Opportunities

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  • Donec in sapien ut urna hendrerit interdum
  • Aliquam eget est vitae orci accumsan tincidunt
  • Aenean et odio diam. Donec iaculis elementum nisi

Core Curriculum

Programme Structure

Year 1

1. History of Ayurveda
2. Sanskrit and Samhita
3. Partha Vigyana (Ayurvedic philosophy)
4. Rachna Sharira (anatomy)
5. Kriya Sharira (physiology)
6. Second Professional (one and half years)
7. Rasa Shastra avam Bhaisajya Kalpana (Pharmaceuticals of Ayurveda)
8. Dravyaguna (Materia Medica of Ayurveda)
9. Agadtantra, VyavaharAyurveda and Vidhi Vaidyaka (Toxicology and Jurisprudence)
10. Nidan/Vikriti Vigyan (Pathology) /Nadi Pariksha (Pulse diagnosis)
11. Swasthavritta Yoga (Personal and social hygiene including dietetics)
12. Charaka Samhita (A classical text of Ayurveda)

Year 2

1. Kaya Chikitsa (General Medicine including Panchakarma, Rasayana and Vajikarana)
2. Shalya tantra (General surgery and para surgical techniques)
3. Shalakya Tantra (ENT, Eye and Dentistry)
4. Prasuti tantra avam Sri yoga (Gynaecology and Obstetrics)
5. Kamara bhritya (Paediatrics)
6. Medical Ethics
7. Health Regulations
8. Yoga
9. Dissertation

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