Regd. by Govt. of India Under Sec, 08 Company Act 2013

Diploma in Home Nursing for Self – employment (Special Course)

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Healthcare institute is the best option for a quality healthcare service. But in certain instances after release from the hospital, patients may need medical attention. This is where home nurses are required. Diploma in Home Nursing is a course based on nursing techniques, first aid, patient care services, wound management, disease management, communication skills, administering drugs and patient education. Candidates will be provided constructive training to handle patients of any age and sex whose treatment is still going in their house. To become a home nurse, one must have a good grasp of the knowledge required for a regular nurse. They will be handling wound care, disease prevention and management, therapy, patient education, providing medication, administering drugs etc.

Program Objective

The main objective of this program is to train candidates to handle medical patients in their homes with proper treatments and care. An in-depth study of nursing is required, so the module of this course is designed to achieve the requirements. The blend of modern and handy treatment methods are the main objective. Candidates will be trained to master wound care, disease prevention and management, therapy, patient education, providing medication, administering drugs etc. After completing this course, one can apply for nursing clinics where there is no shortage of work. Candidates can also apply in private and public nursing care sectors for a wider scope.



  • Chennai


  • 1 year


  • 8TH,10TH,12TH



Career Opportunities

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Core Curriculum

Programme Structure

● Nursing skills
● Patient care
● Biomedical waste management
● Communication skills
● Medicine and dosage
● Administering drugs
● Monitoring patients

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