Regd. by Govt. of India Under Sec, 08 Company Act 2013

Certificate course in Homoeopathy Dispensing CCHD

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The basic explanation of this course is to provide information to the candidates regarding various frameworks of homeopathic apportioning administrations. This course consists of informative elements of homeopathy and how to treat drugs according to the patient. There will be a thorough explanation of various medicinal drugs, so the candidates can properly understand and distinguish between them. This course is subject to normal people who want to know the science and art of homeopathic drugs and medicines. This course will surely build a stable career for the candidates and provide them with basic information to run a homeopathic drug store.

Program Objective

The primary aim of this course is to regulate candidates with knowledge and experience to run a dispensary. This is one of the most common fields of study for the general public to achieve a position in the healthcare sector. After completing this course, candidates can apply in several governments, semi government and private homoeopathic dispensaries for good drug and authority doses of homeopathic solutions.



  • Chennai


  • 1 year


  • 10th Pass



Career Opportunities

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Core Curriculum

Programme Structure

1. Elementary Anatomy
2. Elementary Physiology
3. History of Homeopathy –
a) Dr Samuel Hahnemann
b) Discovery of the law of cure
c) Homeopathy Science & Art.
4. Elementary Organon of Medicine –
a) Introduction
b) Fundamental of cardinal principles of Homeopathy
c) Concept of Health, Disease and Cure in Homoeopathy
d) Totality of Symptoms
e) How do the homoeopathic medicine act.
f) Case Taking
g) Individualization.
h) Diet and Regimen.
5. Introduction of Homoeopathic Material Medical
6. Pharmacy, Homeopathic Pharmacy, Pharmacopoeia.
7. Sources, Collection and Preservation of Drug Substances.
8. Homeopathic Dispensary
9. Preparation of Homeopathic Medicine
10. Homeopathic Posology.
11. List of Essential Drugs with Abbreviations.
12. Study of Prescription and Abbreviations used in Prescription.
13. Drugs and Cosmetic Acts Medicinal and Toilet Preparation Act.
14. Duties and Responsibilities of a Dispenser.

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