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Certificate course in Rural Health Care

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In this course, applicants will understand rural healthcare needs and the arrangements required for a healthy lifestyle. There will be an in-depth study of how to train rural children on the basic needs of healthcare, sanitization, patient education and first aid. Proper information and knowledge of what to do and how to do it in an emergency in rural areas will be provided to meet the needs. People who want to work in rural areas can consider this as a career option. You will be trained to communicate with families in rural areas about cleanliness, family planning and general health issues.

Program Objective

The main focus of this course is to prepare you for the challenges in healthcare sectors in rural areas so that the people living there can get a good understanding of how to live a healthy and effective lifestyle. As we all know that the majority of India’s population lives in rural areas, so there will be no shortage of work.



  • Chennai


  • 1 year


  • 10th Pass



Career Opportunities

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Core Curriculum

Programme Structure

1. Rural Development: Concepts and Dimensions
2. Rural Economy of India
3. Social Sector of Rural India
4. Rural Development Programmes in India
5. Rural Development Institutions and Strategies
6. Rural Development-Planning and Management

Approvals &

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