Regd. by Govt. of India Under Sec, 08 Company Act 2013

Diploma in Acupuncture

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The main study of acupuncture comes from the ancient medicinal remedies in china. It is a pseudoscientific method of deducing back and neck pain, osteoarthritis/knee pain, and headache.

This course will take you through the process of pain healing through the effectiveness of pressure in the body to release certain enzymes and health states. This is a simple yet effective process of applying pressure to cure health concerns. This is an affordable treatment, so many people prefer Acupuncture therapy rather than any other western counterpart of biomedicines. The course will provide you with effective knowledge and experience to deal with your client and provide the best results.

Program Objective

The main focus of this course is to make learners understand the basic science of minute pressure in the human body to alter the health state. The proper use of acupuncture comes with a lot of in-depth study of the human body and muscles. This course is designed to provide you with the step by step process of reconstructing the flow of energy in the human body with the help of pressure. After completing this course, one can apply to hospitals, healthcare centres & medical colleges.



  • Chennai


  • Optional: 1 year or 2 years


  • 10th/12th Pass


  • 1 year - 30k
  • 2 years - 55k

Career Opportunities

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Core Curriculum

Programme Structure

● Disease & Treatment Methods by Meridian Point
● Anatomy concerning Acupressure.
● Yin-Yang Concept & Five Element Theory
● Advanced Reflexology (Face, Ear & Spine).
● Method for Tonification and Sedition of Meridian of Point.
● General Knowledge about the Magnet, General Food Therapy, and Colour Therapy.
● History, Philosophy & Principles of Acupressure therapy.
● Important Meridian Point, Diagnosis

Approvals &

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