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Diploma in AYUSH Clinical Management

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The study of classical The Clinical Ayurvedic Medicine Course (formerly Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist 1 / CAS1) includes in-depth knowledge of classical ayurvedic understanding of disease within each system of the body as well as an overview of the western understanding. Each module will provide you with an extensive study of a clinical journey of understanding how to manage the disease. The extensive knowledge of Panchakarma along with other herbal medicines will increase the potential of the student and their career.

Program Objective

The main objective of this program is to train you in such a way that you are prepared to help patients fight against all types of diseases that may occur in the human body along with knowledge of the western biomedical system. After completing the course there is a wide scope of opportunities for the student in both the private and public sectors.



  • Chennai


  • 2 years


  • Under Graduate (Science)



Career Opportunities

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Core Curriculum

Programme Structure

Module - Part 1

Module 1: Advanced Herbalism
Module 2: Advanced Ayurvedic Pathology
Module 3: Panchakarma Theory
Module 4: Diseases and Ayurvedic Management of the Digestive System 1
Module 5: Diseases and Ayurvedic Management of the Digestive System 2
Module 6: Diseases and Ayurvedic Management of the Respiratory System
Module 7: Diseases and Ayurvedic Management of the Urinary System

Module - Part 2

Module 8: Diseases and Ayurvedic Management of the Cardiovascular System
Module 9: Women’s Health and Ayurveda 1: Pregnancy, Delivery, and Introduction to Paediatrics
Module 10: Women’s Health and Ayurveda 2: Diseases of the Female Reproductive System
Module 11: Diseases and Ayurvedic Management of the Nervous System
Module 12: Chronic Diseases and the Ayurvedic Management of the Endocrine, Immune, and Musculoskeletal Systems
Module 13: Ayurvedic Dermatology: The management of conditions of the skin.
Module 14: Ayurvedic EENT: The management of the conditions of the ears, eyes, nose and throat. Research paper on an approved ayurvedic topic.

Approvals &

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